Demone Nero

2021. június 28. 19:05 - Spica


Megjegyzés az egyik Saab-os oldalról:

"These units are used in all classic 900's - in non turbos, this is the driver side fan - (the passenger side is different), in 900 TURBO this fan is used on BOTH sides of the radiator. These BOSCH fans are typically fairly reliable, however when a failure does happen, you typically will start having a problem blowing your 30 amp fan fuse. This is indicative of a fan that is drawing too many amps, due to bad bearings. Very frequently, 91-93 cars have this happen much more often than others, as they cheeped up the fans in those years - if you have a 91-93 Saab, and still have your AC-delco fans, you will experience a failure with these units! They should be replaced with BOSCH fans. If your are having a problem with your fans simply not running, this is typically an issue with the fan switch (located on the left hand side of the radiator) -

you can test your fans by powering them directly with a 15 amp battery charger. If you are drawing more than 15 amps at turn on, or about 9-10 amps continuous load, your fans are bad."

Az utolsó mondatra reflektálva: délután kiszereltem, és hideg állapotban megmértük a ventit. A digitális multiméter ugye nem elég gyors, hogy rögtön a csúcs indítóáramot mutassa, de így is 12 A-el indult, üzem közben pedig felvett akár 8-at is - miközben a mérő söntje miatt biztos, hogy műszer nélkül nagyobb áram folyik (a lakatfogóm éppen nem volt nálam, azzal precízebb lenne).

Szóval a gyanúm az, hogy mikorra a venti a hűtő közelétől 80 fokra melegszik, addigra szorul.

Holnapi műsor: megyek a Saab-bontóba ventiért :-)

Szólj hozzá!

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